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December 9-10:

The latest and greatest in drone industry innovations is coming to Los Angeles, with this year’s International Drone Expo (IDE). Open to the public, this expo highlights all walks of drone life- racing, hobbyist flight, photography, professional cinema, agriculture, and more! The drone industry is on a rapid expansion path, with huge growth in 2016 to date that is expected to continue through 2017.

At Newegg, we have seen massive popularity this past year in the hobbyist and photography drone categories, with great potential in the racing category as well. While the least developed of the industries, racing drones present an exciting new opportunity for adrenaline enthusiasts, sports fans, and gamers alike to experience something unique in the competitive landscape. Increasing exposure on prime sports broadcasting channels has made drone racing even more popular as of late, and we fully expect the trend to continue throughout the next several years as our customers become more aware and educated about drone use.