1. Affordable 2. 1080p 1440p gaming 3.newest technology
Pros the price was pretty good compared to other gpus. Can play any game on highest settings. Runs everything smoothly.
Works great! Excellent fps for 1080 gaming and that 12gb of v ram is huge!
-Easy set up -Not to big
video card works well not much faster then the 3070rtx it replaced
If you want top-tier, this is the best bang for your buck. 20ish more FPS and better RT tech for $700+tax more? Nahhhhh.
Cheapest card for 4k
- Crazy quiet, near zero sound under full load. - Good temps, 60 to 78 degrees under full load. - No coil whine, can't get this thing to make a sound even when pushed with absurd frames in the thousands. - Fantastic performance @ 1440p
Games run smoothly as long as you pair it with good parts
I got this from New last week it came fast and the card itself was easy to setup and install in my system. Iiit performs great I upped the power limit+ to 15 and undervolted it and it runs cooler now and the core hits 3100Mhz this is without me trying to raise the core clock the card is just doing this because of the undervolt. It runs around 53c-64c max. I also left the memory at stock 2500Mhz. Not bad for not actually overclocking the core itself but letting the card run at where it wants to. I played The Last of us and I found the game to run smoothly on AMD's latest drivers and the latest patch at 1440p. Every other game I tried that is either new or older all ran without problems and the FPS is always very high. My AMD 5900x which is pushed to 5Ghz has finally found it's match lol.
Quiet, Overclocks nicely, slick look, no additional software to run RGB since it has none. Runs cool under load (didnt see it go over 68c playing my games on extreme settings with ray tracing and DLSS quality)
The Essential Role of Top-Tier GPUs in Elevating Your Gaming Experience
I know that the 4070 Super came out at the beginning of this year (2024) and originally I wanted to get that card. However, I got this one on sale and I have to say it is a great second place choice if you're looking for gaming at 1440p. Big picture here, it isn't that much slower than the Super version. Sure, you can read and compare benchmarks, but raw numbers aren't everything. When you sit down and play the games yourself, you probably won't notice that 8-12% difference except maybe in rare situations (or if you really squint and pay attention, but come on, just relax and enjoy the experience). This card is still worth it-- MSI built it well and it can easily handle 1440p like its bigger sisters can. Powerwise, it uses your standard 8-pin connector, and not that weird 12-pin one a lot of the bigger cards have moved to. You can even get away with a 650 Watt PSU, though I personally recommend going with 750 Watts just to give your other components enough power to share, especially if you have a pretty hungry CPU. Plus: it is quiet! Are three fans better than two? I say neigh in this case-- the 2X version has a pair of huge fans that can handle the heat and do so without making a fuss. The 2070 may be the most affordable Nvidia card on the market right now, giving you the best price to FPS value, especially if you are going 1440. Can it handle 4k? It can! It may not be a Ti Super or a 4080, but with a few tweaks in your game settings, it can give you a playable experience. Oh, and the 4070 handles Nvidia's DLSS 3, which really helps with giving you steady frame rates on games that support the technology. I find it is a plus when you can utilize that.
- Great performance
-super clean white -awesome performance on high settings 1080p
- Silent - easy install - easy driver install - no need to register with gigabyte - Actually pretty powerful. 2600mhz OC get 112fps in starfield maxed out. (1440p)
It creates a fantastic picture and runs fairly cool. It's a fine product. It runs high tech games and the price is reasonable.
Its price is exactly where it should be this graphics card is a beast performing all games on ultra 2k settings without issue. - Out performs my old 3060 by almost double what I was getting for FPS - Extremely quite - Overall, a great graphics card for anyone unsure if its future proof this will be a card that lasts.
This 4060 RTX was a quick and easy install. PC loaded right up, and a couple settings and driver changes and the Videocard was ready. Games look amazing, in high and ultra settings.
It stays cool 34c at idle, have not seen it pass 65c on load and that is with 3d rendering and gaming at 4k or 1440p ultra settings. The adreline software is awesome and has a lot more features than nvidia. Do not listen to nvidia fan boys these cards are great as well , i used nvidia since the late 90s figured with more vram i would try amd and i am not disappointed at all.