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Uber Eats $50 Gift Card (Email Delivery)- Disclaimer: By using this gift card, you accept the following terms and conditions: This card is redeemable via the Uber® and Uber Eats app within Canada. The card is non-reloadable and, except where required by law, cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, or returned.
You may be required to add a secondary payment method to use this gift card with the Uber or Uber Eats app. The card is not redeemable outside Canada. Issuer is not responsible for lost or stolen cards, or unauthorized use. This card is issued by Uber B.V. For balance, full terms and conditions and customer service, visit https://www.uber.com/legal/en/document/ ?country=canada&lang=en&name=uber-gift-cards-terms-of-use
- Specifications: To redeem this gift card:
1. Open the Account Menu and tap "Wallet"
2. Tap on the "+ Add funds" button on the Uber Cash card
3. Tap on the "Redeem" button next to Gif...
- Model #: UE5000
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DoorDash $100 Gift Card (Email Delivery)- Disclaimer: Your Gift Card is redeemable towards eligible orders placed on www.doordash.com or in the DoorDash app in the United States. Gift Cards are made available and provided by DoorDash Giftcards LLC. Gift Cards are not redeemable for cash except when required by applicable law. For more information on the Gift Card Terms and Conditions, please visit dasherhelp.doordash.com/ doordash-gift-cards and also https://help.doordash.com/consumers/ s/article/DoorDash-Gift-Cards-Terms?language=en_US
- Specifications: To redeem this gift card:
1. Create an account or sign in to the DoorDash app or on DoorDash.com
2. Navigate to Account > Gift Card
3. Enter your gift card PIN
- Model #: DD10000