Its universal and work just fine for me I used it for cloning my drive
Fast throughput (depends on SSD, of course). Nice quality cables. No screws to loose. Easy to assemble. Works with Linux.
great for setting up a hd. also for cloning a drive
I ordered 2 of these drive cases to put to use a couple of WD 1Tb drives I had leftover from an upgrade. One of the two boxes worked fine, the other was DOA. I RMAed it and New Egg sent me one that works. Failures can happen to the best of them but the company (Vantek) should have better quality control. That dead box should never have gotten out the door. Other than getting a dead drive box, both seem to work as advertised.
Used this to clone a drive for a laptop. Worked great!
This is the type of pc accessory that I would consider a must have, right below a usb flash drive in terns if necessity. First it allows you to easily expand your storage no matter what the reason. All your ports in use, bad port can out of warranty, opened your pc case and then backed away with fear or maybe you just own a laptop with support for only a single drive. This solves all of those problems. I also chose this style over the type where the drive sits vertically because of the space i planned to put it in and it worked out well. However I do have another dock that sits drives vertically but that one is on a wide spacious desk. I've used it with 3.5" drives as well as 2.5" spinning and ssd drives. All worked great.
4x Bottom Corner rubber vibration dampening pads... It better... LOL HDD Case: Orico (Sealed: Aluminum / Single 3.5 Bay) ($25) *Gets HOT: MAX @ 55'C no cooling HDD: WD Ultrastar DC HC320 (8TB, 7200RPM, 256MB Cache) HDD STORED: [UNDERNEATH] an "IETS GT300 Double Blower Laptop Cooling Pad" ($45) NO COOLING: 12+ Hours upto: 55'C (STRESS TEST: STABLE) (Very !HOT!) WITH COOLING: "Artic Air Ultra" (Setting: MAX): 12 Hours @ 39'C (NO !WATER!) ($25) PROGRESS: OVER 16'C (60.8'F) !!! SET UP Orico: Elevate HDD off surface top... Elevate and Center HDD center of fan within 6" THERMAL DISAPATION: Top, Bottom, and Sides of HDD (All at ONCE) 100% Aluminum Case w/ Artic Air Ultra on MAX: COLD to the TOUCH !!! **I am sure if I ran Artic Air Ultra @ MAX 100% time HDD IDEL: Below 29'C
- Easy to setup - Works as expected (install SATA drive, plug in to USB)
Worked as stated. Used on old 500 GB hard drive . Computer recognized the drive. Using drive to store family pictures.
eSATA connection has a natural ability to boot, to convey SMART data, and achieve an as-if internal drive status. It's a pity that eSATA enclosures are becoming rare. Of the eSATA enclosures I've used -- including Fantec, Delock, Conrad, Raidsonic, Orico, AKiTio -- the NexStar has the best build quality and the best compatibility with a variety of HDDs, along with maximum performance.
It does what it supposed to do. What else is there to say about it?
Was a little skeptical about the capabilities with the price point. However, its not a bad little product. The LED's are a nice touch, and it even lets you know how far along the cloning process takes by lighted number indicators on the side (25% to 100%) and whilst the manual glosses over the fact of how to start the Cloning process (documents forgets to tell you to push the start button) it worked rather well. As far as I can tell, it clones a drive, lets you read both HDD and SSD and its pretty much a good deal for what you receive.
USB 5Gb/s interface Comes with both Type A (the classic) and Type C (smaller, reversible, the future) cables Mounts 2.5" and 3.5" mass storage, HDD or SSD drives Easy to separate the case from the inside frame No drivers for the external enclosure required