Never had a problem with these. Using the 25GB because the 50s are still non-linearly more expensive
From the second you take these out of the pack you can tell they are quality disks. They are thicker and flex less than the cheap disks I got on here (O.Q.). I have had 13 successful burns at 6x using Imgburn. I picked up 4-10 pack spindles while they were on sale.
It is well known by many recording enthusiasts and professionals that Verbatim makes the best CD's and DVD's available. These CD's maintain that excellent Verbatim reputation.
No problems burning at 16X. great value with rebate, which I was surprised to receive so quickly(5 wks).
Decent so far, but see other thoughts.
The content I burned reads fine on the console, installs complete successfully and can play from disc. Haven't had any coasters yet and I'm halfway through them.
I used Verbatim for last 8 years and they are amazing! This is the only brand I can trust for a long life and for no fails. I'm an event videographer and I burn this BDs a lot.
no coasters, great price
Good quality. Used every single one of them and there was not one dud.
Its verbatim never had any problem with the in 100k burns.